Tyrannosaurus vs Velociraptor

Talofa Lava! Today (at home) I read about another dinosaur war book. This war though was between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Velociraptor. I found out that Velociraptors were, well, born or lived way before the first Tyrannosaurus Rex ever lived! (A very interesting fact indeed 🙂

A Velociraptor was less bigger and less heavier compared to a T-Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex). The meaning of the name of the dinosaur Velociraptor is ‘Fast thief’. They weigh 35 pounds and they are 3 feet tall (which explains why they are called ‘fast’ thieves). Their speed is termed as quick but nimble. Their light bodies help them to fly like the wind. The Velociraptor has a stiff tail. His weapon is similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex’s weapon because instead of using its teeth to attack it uses its sharp claws to attack. A Velociraptors attack style is actually different from how a Tyrannosaurus Rex attacks his prey. What a Velociraptor does to attack is that it slashes and bites his enemy. Velociraptors fought like wild cats. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a very strong dinosaur , well at least in my opinion. They had at least 50 to 60 large teeth to use to crush down on their prey. They were 7 tonnes and 20 feet tall. They were fast but quite clumsy.